Book an online ergonomic consult

If you need assistance setting up or adjusting your workplace at the office or at home, you can book an online ergonomic consult using the online agenda.

Preparation: Before the actual appointment we will ask you to answer a few questions and send us two photos of your workplace by mail. Based on this information we will prepare the online session.

Ergonomic consult: During a video call we will discuss how to improve your workplace and posture. We can determine of you have the correct equipment or if you need any extra ergonomic aids.

Duration: The video call will take up to 30 minutes maximum.

Recommendations: Afterwards you will receive an email with a summary of our recommendation.

Language: The consultants speak both Dutch and English.

Good posture and an ergonomic set-up of your home office can prevent and resolve work related injuries. During a 25-30 minute online consult a consultant will help you improve your workplace. We aim to make your workspace as pleasant as possible with practical tips and recommendations.


You can plan online ergonomic consult via the online agenda above. You will receive an email confirmation with instructions to prepare for your appointment. If you have any questions please send an email to or call 020-753 15 67.

Reactie van deelnemers:

“Ik vond het heel leuk en vooral nuttig om mijn eigen houding te analyseren, die bleek een stuk slechter dan ik dacht. Tot mijn verbazing is mijn houding er met beperkte ingrepen en hulpmiddelen die ik voorhanden had  enorm verbeterd. Dank voor de creatieve oplossingen.”

“Ik zit compleet anders op mijn stoel en achter mijn bureau. Het blijft wel continu om aandacht vragen om “goed te blijven zitten”. Erg tevreden met het advies, bedankt!”

”Ik heb geen pijn meer in mijn schouders en rechterarm. Mijn werkhouding is stukken beter!”

“De afspraak overtrof mijn verwachtingen en gaf zeer goed advies over wat ik moet veranderen aan mijn thuiswerkplek”

Feedback on Ergonomic consult

“I really enjoyed it and it was especially useful to analyze my own posture, which turned out to be a lot worse than I thought. To my surprise, my posture has improved with some minor adjustments and with aids that I had available. Thanks for the creative solutions.” 

“I completely changed my posture when I sit in my chair behind my desk. It continues to require constant attention to “sit the right way”. Very satisfied with the consult, thank you!”

“I no longer have pain in my shoulders and right arm. My posture is much better!”

“The consult exceeded my expectations and gave very good insight in what I need to change to improve my home office”